
Chronic Issues in New York’s Cannabis Industry

Chronic Issues in New York’s Cannabis Industry

Explore the complexities of New York State’s recreational cannabis legalization journey in our latest blog. From equity initiatives to legal battles and licensing delays, uncover the hurdles and the state’s quest for solutions. Stay informed on the evolving landscape of cannabis regulation with our in-depth analysis.

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Unpacking New York’s Cannabis Program Challenges and Future Outlook

Unpacking New York’s Cannabis Program Challenges and Future Outlook

Explore New York State’s journey in legalizing recreational marijuana with a focus on equity. Learn about the impact of past cannabis policies, the challenges faced in licensing, and the ongoing legal battles affecting the distribution of benefits to minority communities. Discover the efforts to address inequities through the allocation of licenses and tax revenues in New York’s evolving cannabis landscape.

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What the Warhol Decision Means for Fair Use

What the Warhol Decision Means for Fair Use

On May 23, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith. This case marked the Court’s second recent decision regarding the Copyright Act and helps clarify the current state of play regarding the fair...

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Winter Storm Impacts on Wage and Hour Issues

Winter Storm Impacts on Wage and Hour Issues

Regardless of what the groundhog sees on February 2nd, the impacts of winter on employers across the Northeast will be felt well into the spring. And to the surprise of some lawyers, the biggest legal questions regarding winter weather have more to do with how winter...

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