What Is Founders Stock?

What Is Founders Stock?

The term, “founders’ stock” is often used in the start-up world.   Founders’ shares are typically shares of common stock issued to founders and initial employees of a company very early in the process of forming and organizing the company. These...
Is it Easy Being Green? Demystifying SEC Climate Disclosure Rules

Is it Easy Being Green? Demystifying SEC Climate Disclosure Rules

In the midst of the growing trend to invest in climate-forward and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) companies, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is once again taking steps to stay current. The SEC is considering passing climate-related...
The Coinbase Bankruptcy Disclosure: Are Your Assets Safe?

The Coinbase Bankruptcy Disclosure: Are Your Assets Safe?

The press has been buzzing about Coinbase’s most recent 10-Q disclosure in its May 10, 2022, filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In the filing, Coinbase indicated that a bankruptcy court might treat its customers as unsecured creditors if a...
Are Oral Contracts Legally Binding (in NYS)?

Are Oral Contracts Legally Binding (in NYS)?

An arrangement can be as simple as a handshake agreement or an oral understanding over coffee.  When two parties form an agreement without written documentation, is that agreement legally binding? The answer, generally, is yes, unless the agreement is required to be...